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  Symptom Checker  

Everyday Health Inc.
A partnership with ISABEL HEALTH, one of the most powerful diagnostic tool available, has allowed Everyday Health to create an easy-to-use symptom checker that uses ISABEL's API and provides users with the most accurate possible diagnoses based on the user's symptoms, information on possible conditions, and a triage function that provides suggestions on what to do based on their symptoms.
  Simplifying the Process                                                                                   

With so many symptom checkers available and in-use, our primary goal was to simplify the process and provide the patient with information from ISABEL's database and Everyday Health's condition and illness center.

Quick Start
We provide users the option to use their Profile or start as a New Patient. 
The New Patient doubles as an option for the user with a Profile, but is not checking their own symptoms.
Logged-in user begins their symptom input process
User is taken to the 3-step 
patient information input process
New Patient: 3-step Input Process
By keeping privacy and informational-comfortability our top priority, we were able to simplify the input process for new patients.
Quick age selection.
Single screen
selection process.
IF female, we provide a pregnancy option to better diagnose the user.
Default location is set for quick start, but we allow for change in case users have been travelling.
Symptom Input Process
Allow users to input their symptoms, easily delete and add symptoms, and no questions in-between.
Tap to input your symptoms
or use voice input.
Quick input process, with symptoms seperated by commas to allow a continuous flow.
Display all symptoms with options to Delete or Add symptoms.
  Possible Diagnoses                                                                                     

All Possible Diagnoses are displayed based on the user's symptoms. "Seasonal" and "common" tags are used to better guide users. We also provide a triage in the form of "What Next" to help users figure out what to do next.

Necessary disclaimer.
"Do not show again" option for users checking multiple symptoms
Red text denotes emergencies.
"Seasonal" and "Common" tags help users narrow down possibilities.
Accordion style for users to easily
check other diagnoses.
Tap on "more info" to get in-depth information on the condition.
More Information on "Condition"
Using Everyday Health's condition and illness database, the user is provided with in-depth information on their potential condition and are provided links to more information.
Depending on the condition, users will be provided with emergency information.
Users are provided with a "Find Pharmacy Near You" function, "Call 911", and "Emergency Room Near Me"
depending on their condition.
Fast Fact 
How Diagnosed
Specialists/Who to See
Available Treatments
Questions to Ask Your Doctor
(sponsored content)
Users are able to Save these questions to their profile
for later use.
Tap to begin Triage
Logged-in user begins their symptom input process
Logged-in user begins their symptom input process
Logged-in user begins their symptom input process
"Get Care" - Triage
User testing has shown that a majority of symptom checkers do not provide anything past "Possible Diagnoses", which leaves users high and dry after being diagnosed with an assortment of possible conditions.
"Get Care" has users answer 7 quick questions and then provies the user with information on how severe this condition is, and shows immediate actions that they can take.
An explanation of "What Next" along with a friendly disclaimer.
User answers 7 questions.
Once user answers the final question, they are taken directly
to their results.
Depending on the severity of the possible condition, the results offer three possible outcomes with useful tools for users to quickly address their condition.
Using your location, we find nearby CVS Minute Clinics.
The phone number for a nearby CVS Pharmacy is provided.
The option to Save your symptoms for later useis available.
Along with the previous tools, the ability to call Nearest Walk-in/Urgent Care Clinic and Chat with Doctor 
is available.
If the triage decides your condition is an emergency, we provide a map of nearby hospitals, 911 contact, and the ability to save your symptoms for later use.
  SAVE Function                                                                                                

Throughout the Symptom Checker, users are able to save information. This is displayed within their Profile.

Confirmation modal.
Name your symptom.
Find saved symptoms
in "Saved Items".
Badge appears on your profile.
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